Grid Post-its - Sticky Note Pads

One thing I haven't really done a whole lot of on The Clicky Post is review office goods.  I don't know if I'll dig too much into this arena as I seem to be sort of stuck in my ways when it comes to paper and stuff, but from time to time I come across a product I like a lot that I'll probably post about.

Now, if you don't already know, there is a pretty fantastic blog called The Well-Appointed Desk that is an amazing resource for office products, pens, desk organization, and tons of other awesome stuff.  Ana does a stellar job and she really loves vintage staplers and other really neat items.  So, give her site a look if you haven't already.  She even has a cool little shop that I bought a stamp and vintage DYMO machine from (now no longer available).  Pretty cool. 

Awesome DYMO machine in action on Instagram...

Awesome DYMO machine in action on Instagram...

The product this post is about is one I came across awhile ago, but thought I'd give a shout out to it anyways.  I'm not a huge fan of Post-it notes as the paper quality is usually junk and they aren't that pleasant to write on unless you have a marker.  I came across a larger grid pattern Post-it that I'm willing to overlook writing experience for functionality (and awesomeness) as these things are pretty cool. 

Mike, these are just bigger Post-it notes with a grid on them.... I know.  Awesome.  

 I've really enjoyed using these for making lists or leaving a note on a coworker's desk (or a nerdy note to my sweet wife) and I like the fact that they are made from a white paper instead of purple, orange, or canary.  Just a normal grid type experience.

Honestly, the paper on these isn't offensive to use.  I'm not going to be writing my fondest dreams and ambitions on these (although you could I'd imagine), but the inks I tested on them worked out fine.   For everyday usability, love them.

These babies only run about $4 on the high end, so if you're in need of some sticky notes and hate the traditional ones, give these a go. 


The Pen Project - by Ian Schon

Ok, ok... I kind of have a thing for the Fisher Space Pen apparently because two weeks in a row I've posted about pens that take the Fisher refill...and I'm not even through the entire "Fisher Arsenal" yet that I've got ready in waiting for review. 

This particular pen is different as it isn't a product made by Fisher, but is a pen designed around the pressurized refill many of us love and enjoy. 

The Pen Project put together by Ian Schon, an engineer and tinkerer (jealous of his ability to make things as he does), was hosted on Kickstarter back in the summer of last year and turned out to be a successful venture.  My hope is that Ian has some new things up his sleeve for the future as this thing turned out great.  

In essence, The Pen Project is a small, minimalist pocket pen machined from aluminum that is simple whilst being incredibly intriguing.  The simplicity, size, and function of this little pen make for a great EDC (Every Day Carry) item that can easily fit into a pocket, bag, or pouch.  And since it takes the Fisher refill you know that it is going to be a durable writer in most any condition; even in space... 

I often tend to like minimalist type things which is probably why my products look the way they do.  Simplicity and symmetry aren't terrible things, right?  The design of The Pen Project is no exception and when I first saw it I knew I'd likely have one at some point.  I really enjoy the design of the pen, especially the three machined lines at the top.  They add just enough variation to keep things interesting in what could appear to be a plain cylinder.

When I said small, I mean it is quite small coming in at just around 4 inches capped.  A cool feature of this pen is that the cap threads onto the back to extend the length for writing comfort.  Not that this is a completely new idea, but it adds to the compact and functional nature of the piece.  Other pens on the market that do this similarly are the Kaweco Sport series that has been around for nearly 100 years almost.  Good show, Ian. 

Posted, the pen's length extends to 5.75 inches which is more than long enough for a comfortable writing experience. 

One thing to consider about this pen is that to change the refill you have to remove a set screw from the back.  No twisting the grip off to expose the opening in the barrel like most pens, so make sure you have a small flathead screwdriver handy if you're needing to make a swap.  Granted, you're not going to need to change the refill a ton as the Fishers seem to last awhile.  I really don't see this feature as a big inconvenience, but I actually think it's pretty awesome and adds a little to the experience.  If you lose your set screw, I'm sure Ian has spares he could sell you, or maybe they are pretty common to buy?  Well, just try not to lose it I suppose.

Since the pen is machined from aluminum, this means light(er) weight, but it still has a nice heft to it.  It feels like a quality piece.  Something I really like about metal pens are the sounds they make when you unscrew the cap or screw it back on; there is a chiming, metallic sound that is pleasing.  In a world of so many cheap plastic pens, a solid metal writing instrument is exactly what the doctor ordered; at least for me it is.  

I really love this pen.  If you are intrigued enough to want to purchase, you can find them on Ian's site.

If you haven't noticed, there seems to be a common theme on The Clicky Post of reviewing mostly metal pens and I hope that fits your (the reader's) style.  I'm sure this may evolve over time, but is what I really enjoy right now.  Hopefully I don't run out of metal pens to review any time soon!  I'm open to hearing suggestions for new metal pens that I may not have heard of... 

Thanks, Ian, for creating such a great product!

For another great review of the pen visit Mary's site, From the Pen Cup.   Her whit and humor are always a pleasure to read!





Dudek Modern Goods - Logo

First and foremost, I want to express my deep gratitude for all of the support surrounding The Clicky Post, my products, their development, and the incredible feedback I've received from everyone.  It is such a pleasure to make and share my Cubes, Blocks, and Grooves and to hear how people are using and enjoying them and to write reviews on the blog for everyone.

Today on Instagram I posted a picture of a Cube with an etched sample of the new brand logo for my pen holders that will soon be placed on the bottom of all my wares.  Still finalizing the details, but I wanted to share with everyone the progress. 

photo (5).JPG

As the brand has developed, there came a time when I felt an official logo/mark was appropriate and was provided the pleasure of working with Brandon Wilson of ContraBrand.  Brandon is an incredible artist who has done a wide range of brand design and individual artwork that are absolutely stunning.  I feel so privileged to have some of his work being used on my products, and want to say thanks to him directly as well.  Please make a visit to his site to see his works and products, and if you're in need of some design work, he is great.   


Thanks again for following and visiting the blog and I appreciate the support so much!

- Mike